Hello! Welcome to our new home!
We did our best to keep atmosphere and warmth of the old one and we assure that it remains as welcoming as the previous one.
The previous one, however, definitely needed "renovation". The website at country.wolsztyn.pl will remain on the web for some time as an archival site and a redirect info for visitors, but it will no longer be updated.
The main features of new version of our website are: primarily our own, easy to remember domain, modern look and functionalities, faster operation, interesting graphic tools, more information and a more readable, intuitive layout.
At the moment, the website is adapted to computer screens (laptops), but further work is underway on the mobile version for smartphones and we are doing our best to make this functionality available before this year's festival.
We invite you to explore and visit often our "new home" and we hope you like it
© Festiwal "Czyste Country" 2010-2023